Dygitize Store

Secure online document storage.

Dygitize Store – secure online document storage.

Welcome to your paper-free office with all your documents stored securely online, ready for when you need them. Smart filtering means documents are retrieved in a matter of seconds ready to be downloaded or shared with colleagues. Leverage the convenience of the cloud with bank-grade security to protect your documents against damage or disaster.

How it works

Easy set up, intuitive software with no hardware required.

All the smart stuff is done in the cloud so set up on the MFD is minimal. Easy to learn and use. Document search and retrieval is done through a simplified user interface, from your pc or laptop. No need for additional software or training.

Dygitize works with your existing office scanner or MFD (multi-function device). No need for additional hardware or IT involvement.

User Access

Bank grade security (2 Factor Authentication) restricts document and repository access to designated users.


Using the cloud infrastructure means no hosting, no IT and no hassles and user access from anywhere.

Audit Trail

Keep a track on when documents are being accessed with a digital audit of all activity.

Document Security

Your documents are stored in the Dygitize cloud and backed up to multiple data centres to ensure no documents are ever lost.


Access rules permit users to access one or multiple repositories dependent on their credentials. Admin users have access to all folders.

Highly accurate OCR extraction

Dygitize through a combination of machine learning and AI is able to extract text from your documents with more than 98% accuracy.


Online repositories are created to house and segment uploaded documents, repository destination is selected on the scanner.

Text Search

All documents are converted to text and are searchable by keyword, advance filtering allows the user to laser target the document that is being searched for.

Benefits of Dygitize Store

Instead of those documents lying around the office, accessible to staff and visitors, all documents are moved to the cloud. Access is via a secured login with a full audit trail available for each document, identifying it is has been viewed or downloaded and by whom.

All documents are backed up in 3 separate secure locations by the Dygitize servers giving that extra level of reassurance.

File hierarchy structure also means that only designated users can access documents on the cloud.

A woman scanning a document to send to Dygitize Store
A woman scanning a document to send to Dygitize Store

Instead of those documents lying around the office, accessible to staff and visitors, all documents are moved to the cloud. Access is via a secured login with a full audit trail available for each document, identifying it is has been viewed or downloaded and by whom.

All documents are backed up in 3 separate secure locations by the Dygitize servers giving that extra level of reassurance.

File hierarchy structure also means that only designated users can access documents on the cloud.

Here are some more benefits of Dygitize Store:

Many companies are looking to enhance their green credentials and looking how best to reduce their paper usage, through less paper generation and handling. As document storage and retrieval is moved to the cloud, the paper copies become less critical and no longer need storing. Paper copies can be housed off-site or even disposed of, freeing up space all round.

Go Digital
As part of the green initiative and to boost efficiency, businesses are turning paper documents into a digital document. Dygitize assists this process by giving access to documents only when required as well as facilitating direct delivery into the Dygitize portal through email, further reducing the need to print and then scan.

Reduce Storage/Warehousing
As the need for retaining hard copies of documentation is eliminated, so is the need for storing and warehousing these documents. This space can then be utilised for additional office space or even for a smaller office footprint. Either way the office becomes more economical.

With new legislation and governance in force, businesses need to act accordingly, keep their documents in order, ready to hand for times of inspection or submission.

Smart searching of documents can retrieve all documents related to a particular client or a certain project, eliminating the need to manually retrieve and collate the required documentation.

A specific repository can be created and access granted to the dedicate body, i.e. auditor, compliance team for them to digitally access the required documentation. Ultimately reducing the time and effort otherwise required.

Audit Trail
Access to cloud documents is restricted to relevant personnel, ensuring that confidential information remains confidential. Users are assigned access and have access to those folders relevant to the documents they require.

All interactions with document are recorded in an audit trail, detailing when and by whom the document has been viewed and downloaded by.

Easy Document Access
Accessing and viewing documents is as easy as a google search, type in the search term and all documents with that keyword contained in the text of the document will be displayed ready for viewing or downloading. If the search term is generic then advance filtering allows targeting of additional keywords as well as a specified date range.

The online repositories act as an archive housing all the uploaded documents required for later retrieval. All your documents ready and waiting for instant retrieval from your pc or laptop, wherever you are in the world.

Increased Efficiency
By going paperless and utilising cloud document storage, businesses are now more efficient in reducing paper generation and storage as well as immediate retrieval of documentation.

Multi-site access
As documents are now stored in the cloud and access is through a dedicated login, documents can be effortlessly accessed from colleagues in other site locations, ensuring the flow of documents is not siloed.

Enhanced Customer Service
With a smart search of customer name or customer id, all relevant documents to that customer can be instantly located and reviewed on the one platform, speeding up customer enquiries, enhancing customer satisfaction levels. Again adding efficiency to the document retrieval process and reducing customer service call times.
Fast dispute resolution
In the instance of a customer query or complaint, the ease of access to all pertaining customer documentation speeds up the process, saving employees time and reducing customer frustration.

Entering customer name or a unique customer id will retrieve all relevant documentation for that customer.

See how Dygitize can assist you.